Webtorrent desktop
Webtorrent desktop

  • PeerCloud – Serverless websites via WebTorrent.
  • GitTorrent – Decentralized GitHub using BitTorrent and Bitcoin.
  • – Streaming file transfer over WebTorrent.
  • WebTorrent Desktop – Open source streaming torrent client.
  • WebTorrent is currently new technology but still used by many popular applications. the WebTorrent script must be present on both sites). Browser-to-browser connections require the cooperation of both websites (i.e. The same-origin policy does not apply to WebRTC connections since they are not client-to-server. It works across the entire web and WebTorrent clients running on one domain can connect to clients on any other domain.

    webtorrent desktop

    WebTorrent is the first step in the journey to redecentralize the Web. No more client/server – just a network of peers, all equal. Browser-to-browser communication cuts out the middle-man and lets people communicate on their own terms. WebTorrent uses open web standards and connects website users together to form distributed and decentralized network of browsers for transferring files efficiently.

    webtorrent desktop

    In technical terms, it’s a streaming torrent client for node.js and the browser. One of the cool thing WebTorrent is that you do not need to install any extension or plugin in your browser to use it. It’s completely written in JavaScript and internally uses WebRTC for true P2P communication. WebTorrent is a torrent client like utorrent or bittorrent, but it works in the browser.

    Webtorrent desktop